Is it better to invest in mutual funds or FD?

Delve into the comparison between mutual funds and fixed deposits to determine the better investment option for your financial goals. Learn about the features, risks, returns, and tax implications of both avenues to make an informed decision.


When it comes to investing your hard-earned money, choosing between mutual funds and fixed deposits (FDs) can be a daunting task. Each investment avenue has its own set of features, benefits, and considerations. In this comprehensive comparison, we’ll examine the pros and cons of mutual funds and fixed deposits to help you determine which option is better suited for your financial objectives. Let’s explore the key factors that can influence your investment decision.

Mutual Funds:

Mutual funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of securities such as stocks, bonds, and other assets. Here’s a detailed look at the features, benefits, and considerations of mutual funds:


  • Mutual funds offer investors diversification by investing in a broad range of securities across different sectors and industries. This diversification helps spread risk and reduce portfolio volatility, making mutual funds suitable for investors seeking exposure to various asset classes.

Professional Management:

  • One of the primary advantages of mutual funds is professional management by experienced fund managers. These professionals conduct in-depth research, analyze market trends, and make informed investment decisions on behalf of investors. Their expertise can potentially lead to superior returns compared to individual stock picking.


  • Mutual funds provide liquidity to investors, allowing them to buy or sell fund units at the prevailing net asset value (NAV) on any business day. This liquidity feature offers investors flexibility and ease of access to their investments, making mutual funds suitable for short-term and long-term financial goals.

Potential for Higher Returns:

  • Mutual funds have the potential to generate higher returns over the long term compared to traditional investment avenues like fixed deposits. However, it’s essential to note that returns from mutual funds are subject to market risks and can vary based on the performance of the underlying securities.

Fixed Deposits:

Fixed deposits, also known as term deposits, are investment products offered by banks and financial institutions where investors deposit a sum of money for a fixed period at a predetermined interest rate. Let’s explore the features, benefits, and considerations of fixed deposits:

Fixed Returns:

  • Fixed deposits offer investors fixed returns at a predetermined interest rate for the entire tenure of the deposit. This fixed interest rate provides certainty of returns, making fixed deposits suitable for conservative investors seeking stable income and capital preservation.

Capital Preservation:

  • One of the key advantages of fixed deposits is capital preservation. Unlike mutual funds, which are subject to market risks, fixed deposits guarantee the return of the principal amount along with the accrued interest at maturity. This capital protection feature makes fixed deposits a preferred choice for risk-averse investors.

Tenure Flexibility:

  • Fixed deposits offer investors flexibility in choosing the tenure of the deposit, ranging from a few months to several years. Investors can select a tenure that aligns with their investment horizon and financial goals, allowing for customized investment strategies.

Tax Implications:

  • Interest earned on fixed deposits is taxable as per the investor’s income tax slab. The interest income is added to the investor’s total taxable income and taxed at the applicable tax rate, which can reduce the post-tax returns of fixed deposits, especially for investors in higher tax brackets.
mutual funds vs fixed deposit

Comparison of Mutual Funds Vs Fixed Deposits:

Now, let’s compare mutual funds and fixed deposits across various parameters to determine which investment option is better suited for your financial needs:


  • Mutual funds have the potential to generate higher returns over the long term compared to fixed deposits, given their exposure to equity markets and potential for capital appreciation.
  • Fixed deposits offer fixed returns at a predetermined interest rate, providing certainty of returns but with lower potential for wealth accumulation compared to mutual funds.


  • Mutual funds are subject to market risks, as the value of the underlying securities can fluctuate based on market conditions. However, diversification and professional management can help mitigate risk over the long term.
  • Fixed deposits are considered low-risk investments, offering capital preservation and predictable returns. However, they do not offer the potential for wealth creation or inflation-beating returns compared to mutual funds.


  • Mutual funds offer higher liquidity compared to fixed deposits, as investors can buy or sell fund units at any time based on the prevailing NAV. This liquidity feature provides investors with flexibility and ease of access to their investments.
  • Fixed deposits have a fixed tenure, and premature withdrawal may attract penalties or forfeiture of interest. While some banks offer premature withdrawal facilities, it may come with certain restrictions and conditions.


  • Returns from mutual funds are taxed based on factors such as the type of fund (equity or debt), holding period, and capital gains tax rates. Long-term capital gains (holding period of more than one year) from equity mutual funds are tax-exempt up to Rs. 1 lakh per financial year, while gains above this limit are taxed at 10% without indexation.
  • Interest earned on fixed deposits is fully taxable as per the investor’s income tax slab. The interest income is added to the investor’s total taxable income and taxed at the applicable tax rate, which can significantly reduce the post-tax returns of fixed deposits, especially for investors in higher tax brackets.

Comparison in a table format:

AspectMutual FundsFixed Deposits
Investment ObjectiveMutual funds are suitable for investors looking for long-term wealth accumulation and growth. They provide an opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets such as stocks, bonds, and other securities, aiming for capital appreciation over time.Fixed deposits are ideal for investors seeking capital preservation and stable returns. They offer a guaranteed rate of interest over a predetermined period, ensuring the safety of the principal amount and providing a fixed income stream.
ReturnsMutual funds offer variable returns that are dependent on market performance. The returns can fluctuate over time, potentially providing higher yields compared to fixed deposits, especially over the long term. However, they also carry market risk, and there is no guarantee of returns.Fixed deposits provide fixed and guaranteed returns at a predetermined interest rate. The interest rate remains constant throughout the deposit’s tenure, offering stability and predictability in income. However, the returns may be lower compared to mutual funds, particularly during periods of high market growth.
RiskMutual funds are subject to market fluctuations and carry varying degrees of risk depending on the type of funds (e.g., equity, debt, hybrid). They are more suitable for investors willing to accept moderate to high levels of risk in exchange for the potential for higher returns.Fixed deposits are considered low-risk investments as they offer capital preservation and a guaranteed return of principal amount. They are suitable for risk-averse investors who prioritize safety and stability over potential market gains.
DiversificationMutual funds provide investors with diversification by investing in a wide range of assets across different sectors, industries, and geographical regions. This diversification helps spread risk and minimize the impact of individual asset performance on the overall portfolio.Fixed deposits do not offer diversification as they are typically invested in a single asset class, such as cash or cash equivalents. Investors rely solely on the performance of the deposit’s interest rate for returns.
ManagementMutual funds are professionally managed by fund managers who make investment decisions on behalf of investors. These managers conduct research, analyze market trends, and adjust the fund’s portfolio to achieve its investment objectives.Fixed deposits do not require active management as the interest rate and terms are predetermined at the time of investment. However, investors may choose to renew or withdraw their deposits based on their financial needs and market conditions.
LiquidityMutual funds offer liquidity, allowing investors to buy or sell fund units at the prevailing NAV on any business day. This flexibility enables investors to access their funds quickly and easily, providing liquidity when needed.Fixed deposits have limited liquidity as they typically have a fixed tenure, and premature withdrawal may incur penalties or forfeiture of interest. However, some banks offer partial withdrawal options or loan facilities against fixed deposits to provide liquidity in emergencies.
TaxationMutual funds are subject to taxation based on the type of fund (e.g., equity, debt) and the holding period. Long-term capital gains (holding period of more than one year) from equity funds are tax-exempt up to a certain limit, while gains above the limit are taxed at a specified rate. Debt funds are taxed based on the holding period and the applicable tax slab rate.Fixed deposits attract taxation on the interest income earned as per the investor’s income tax slab rate. The interest income is added to the investor’s total taxable income and taxed accordingly. TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) is applicable on interest income exceeding a certain threshold.
Investment AmountMutual funds offer flexibility in investment amounts, allowing investors to start with small sums of money. There is no minimum investment requirement for some mutual fund schemes, making them accessible to a wide range of investors.Fixed deposits typically require a lump-sum investment, with minimum deposit amounts set by banks or financial institutions. The investment amount may vary depending on the bank’s policies and the type of fixed deposit scheme chosen by the investor.


In conclusion, both mutual funds and fixed deposits have their own set of features, benefits, and considerations. The choice between mutual funds and fixed deposits depends on various factors such as investment goals, risk tolerance, time horizon, and tax implications. For investors seeking higher potential returns and long-term wealth accumulation, mutual funds may be a better option, provided they are comfortable with market volatility. On the other hand, fixed deposits offer stability, capital preservation, and predictable returns, making them suitable for conservative investors looking for guaranteed income and capital protection. Ultimately, investors should carefully evaluate their financial objectives and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

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